Use > Change Management > Change Management workflows and user tasks > Cancel open tasks for a change record

Cancel open tasks for a change record

User Roles: Change Coordinator, Change Manager, Change Analyst

If a change record has more than one open task in the current change phase and you want to cancel some or all of them, you can cancel them one by one using the Cancel Task option or cancel some or all of them at once by using the Mass Cancel feature.

To cancel an open task of a change record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes, enter your search criteria, and then click Search.
  2. Locate the change record through a search.
  3. Click the Tasks tab of the change record, and then click the open task.

    The task record opens.

  4. Click More, and then select Cancel Task.
  5. Select a Closure Code and enter your Closure Comments.
  6. Click Finish.

    The task phase and status are changed to Canceled.

To cancel multiple open tasks for a change record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes, enter your search criteria, and then click Search.
  2. Select a change, and then click More > View Opened Tasks.

    A list of tasks appears. These tasks were created either before or in the current change phase and are not yet closed.

  3. Select the tasks that you want to cancel, and then click Mass Cancel from the task bar.

  4. Click Yes.

    The Closure Code is automatically set to 6 – Canceled, and the Closure Comments field is populated with text "Mass Canceled."

  5. Update the Closure Comments field if needed, and then click Finish.

    The status of each selected open task is set to Canceled, and the automatic transition in the task workflow moves the task phase to Canceled.