Develop > Programming Guide > System language > RAD Debugger > RAD Debugger commands

RAD Debugger commands

The following is a list of the commands used in the RAD Debugger to troubleshoot an application:

Command Description
d (display)

Displays the contents of a variable. A common use of this command is to display the name of the Display application Screen ID attached to the current form.

d $L.screen
t (trace)

Turns tracing on or off. Tracing allows you to see every panel that the RAD flow encounters. Use the command by itself to display the status of the trace function.

t on
t off

Turns panel tracing on or off for a specific RAD application. To turn application tracing on, include the name of a RAD application. To turn application tracing off, repeat the same command combination a second time. You may have multiple traces engaged at one time. Use the command by itself to display a list of the RAD applications being traced.

ta script.execute
tar Removes all RAD specific panel traces. If you are tracing multiple applications, you can save time by using tar rather than using ta to turn off each trace individually.
b (breakpoint)

Sets a panel breakpoint. When the RAD flow encounters a panel with this label, it halts before executing the named panel and gives you an opportunity to perform debugging procedures such as displaying variables or executing statements. Repeat the command combination a second time to turn off the breakpoint. Execute the command by itself to display a list of all current breakpoints.

b init.operator

Sets a breakpoint on a specific RAD application. A breakpoint is applied each time the RAD flow enters the named application, either when it runs for the first time or when the flow returns to it from a subroutine.

ba menu.manager

Sets a breakpoint on a specific type of RAD panel. When the RAD flow encounters a RAD command panel with this name, the application stops running and returns you to the RAD Debugger. Enter the command combined with the name of a RAD panel to set the breakpoint. Re-enter the same command combination to turn off the breakpoint.

bt rinit
bv Set a breakpoint when a variable changes.
rb Removes all breakpoints of any type.

Resume execution after a breakpoint.

c (continue) Resumes the execution of the RAD flow after a breakpoint occurs.
s (step) Steps through the RAD flow one panel at a time.
gl (globals) Displays all the global variables: those beginning with $G., $lo., $CHART., $SYSPUB., $MARQUEE.
v (variables) Displays all the thread variables: those not beginning with a special code.
l (locals) Displays all the local RAD variables: those beginning with $L.
sta (stack) Displays the current RAD stack.
re (relations) Displays only the variables which are table relations (file handles initialized by the rinit command panel).
m (memory) Displays all the variables in memory. This is equivalent to issuing the globals (g), variables (v), and locals (l) commands.
x Execute a statement.
display Display name - view a variable.
h (help) Displays a brief summary of the RAD Debugger commands.