Discovery Flow

This section describes the discovery flow of the VMware vRealize Operations discovery.

General Flow

The general flow of the vROps discovery can be divided into three separate jobs. The Host Applications and VMware vROps Connection Manual jobs are responsible for creating a VMware vRealize Operations (vROps) CI with the needed data, including Application IP and possibly credentials ID.

The created vROps CIs is then used as the trigger CI of the VMware vROps Topology by WebServices job. This job discovers the vROps topology by requesting resources from the vROps API.

VMware vROps Connection Manual Flow

  1. Get HTTP credentials.
  2. Test all the credentials and find a valid credential (if existing).
  3. Create vROps base-URL from Application IP and credential attributes.
  4. Resolve the host name from Application IP to get the name of vROps host server.
  5. Create UCMDB CIs, such as VMware vROps, Host, and IpServiceEndpoint.

VMware vROps Topology by WebServices Flow

  1. Get HTTP credentials (with preference for the tested credential from the previous job).
  2. Try all the credentials (at least until a valid one is found) to authenticate at vROps API and receive access token.
  3. Request information on all the vCenter servers managed by the recent vROps application and create UCMDB CIs accordingly.

    The following steps are proceeded only when the discoverVCenterOnly adapter parameter is disabled:

    1. For each VMware vCenter, request all the connected VMware Datacenters from vROps API and create UCMDB CIs accordingly.
    2. For each VMware Datacenter, request all the connected VMware Clusters as well as connected Hypervisors and create UCMDB CIs accordingly.
    3. For each VMware Cluster, request all the connected Hypervisors and create UCMDB CIs accordingly.
    4. For each Hypervisor, request the connected Virtual Machines and create UCMDB CIs accordingly.