Preferences Page

Enables you to select preferences for the Infrastructure Discovery activity.

Important Information
Wizard Map

The Infrastructure Discovery Activity contains:

Activity Name Page > Define Credentials Page > Preferences Page > Universal Discovery Agent Deployment Page > Schedule Discovery Page > Summary Page

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element


IPv4 Ping Sweep Strategy for Data Center Ranges

Defines the strategy for discovering IPv4 addresses using the ICMP protocol.

Select one of the following options:

  • No Ping Sweep
  • Ping Sweep within the ranges of the Management Zone
  • Ping only discovered Class B or C Networks
  • Ping only discovered Class C Networks

Note These options apply only to ranges that are configured as Data Center type. However the Ping Sweep within the ranges of the Management Zone option applies when performing discovery of Client type IP ranges without using SNMP. For more information, see the topic "How to Discover Client IP Ranges Without SNMP" in the Universal CMDB Data Flow Management section of the UCMDB Online Help.

Use Last Successful Credential

Specifies whether to use the last successful credential.

If this check box is selected, the discovery activity always uses the last successful credential, and the value of Universal Discovery Protocol Connection Order (or the udaConnectionOrder parameter value of the Host Connection by Shell job) is ignored.

Universal Discovery Protocol Connection Order

Specifies the order in which the Universal Discovery Protocol in used to connect to remote machines when the Host Connection by Shell job runs.

Select one of the following options:

First. The Universal Discovery Protocol is used first.

Last. The Universal Discovery Protocol is used last.


  • Applicable only when the Universal Discovery Protocol is selected for use on the Define Credentials page.
  • This setting is applied when the Host Connection by Shell job connects to the remote machine on the first attempt only.
Ping all IPv6 addresses within the ranges of the Management Zone Enables a ping sweep of all the IPv6 addresses in the Management Zone.
IP/MAC Address Harvesting

Uses the SNMP protocol to connect to network devices to read ARP cache tables and then build associations between IP addresses and MAC addresses.

If this check box is selected, enter a delay (in milliseconds) between SNMP request messages.


  • If this option is selected, also select Discover Network Devices in Client IP Ranges.
  • Only applicable if Client is the range type.
  • Ensure that SNMP is configured on the DHCP server.
Discover Network Devices in Client IP Ranges

Select this check box to use SNMP to discover network nodes that are SNMP enabled.


  • Only applicable if Client is the range type.
  • Ensure that SNMP is configured on the DHCP server.
Resolve DNS Names

Select this check box to resolve DNS names to IP addresses.

If this check box is selected, enter fully qualified names or IP addresses of DNS servers you want to use for resolution. Use commas to separate each server.

Note If the check box is selected, but no name is entered in the field, the DNS server that is configured for the Data Flow Probe is used.

Microsoft Windows Domains

Select this check box to discover Windows domain controllers.