How to Discover Windows Device Drivers using the Inventory Discovery by Scanner Job

The Inventory Discovery by Scanner job can report Windows device drivers. However, this feature is disabled by default. The discovery of the Windows device drivers needs to be enabled in the scanner configuration. To do so,

  1. Open the Scanner Configuration Generator wizard. For more information about this wizard, see the Scanner Generator Wizard section in the Universal CMDB Data Flow Management section of the UCMDB Online Help.
  2. Navigate to the Scanner Options tab > Troubleshooting tab by clicking the Next button of the wizard.
  3. Type -incl:904 in the Additional command line parameters to supply to the scanners field.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Finish.

Note: The discovery of Windows device drivers using the Inventory Discovery by Scanner job requires UCMDB 10.22 CUP1 or later.