Use > JMX Reference > Hardening Methods > How to Encrypt the Probe Keystore and Truststore Passwords

How to Encrypt the Probe Keystore and Truststore Passwords

The Probe keystore and truststore passwords are stored encrypted in C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\ This procedure explains how to encrypt the password.

  1. Start Data Flow Probe (or verify that it is already running).
  2. Access the Data Flow Probe JMX console: On the probe machine, launch a Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8453.

    Note You may have to log in with a user name and password. If you have not created a user, use the default user name sysadmin and the password to log in.

  3. Locate the Type=MainProbe service and click the link to open the Operations page.
  4. Locate the getEncryptedKeyPassword operation.
  5. Enter your keystore or truststore password in the Key Password field and invoke the operation by clicking getEncryptedKeyPassword.
  6. The result of the invocation is an encrypted password string, for example:

  7. Copy and paste the encrypted password into the line relevant to either the keystore or the truststore in the following file: C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\