Authorize Changes to CIs

This task describes how to authorize changes to composite CIs.

Changes to CIs can include:

  • all attribute changes for a CI (you cannot authorize individual attribute changes)

  • adding or removing a CI

  • incoming relationship changes

  • outgoing relationship changes

To authorize a change:

  1. In the Composite CIs pane of the Review/Authorize module, expand the entries for the CIs with changes by clicking the small arrow to the left of each check box. Each change for a given CI appears on its own line.

  2. After reviewing the changes, select the check boxes for the ones that you want to authorize.

    Note If you select the check box for a CI, all the changes for that CI are automatically selected.

  3. When you are finished reviewing the changes, do one of the following:

    • Click Authorize to authorize the selected planned changes and validate their existing RFCs.

      A message appears stating that the changes were submitted for authorization. Click OK.

    • Click Create rollback RFC for the selected changes to create an RFC incident ticket. for each selected CI.

      Enter the required information and click Submit. For details, see Create RFC for Rolling Back Changes Dialog Box.

    Note The authorization process may take a long time. You can continue working on other views while it proceeds.

    The updated view becomes the new authorized state of the view.