Business Topology Widget

The Business widget is based on a dynamic widget and can be configured according to dynamic widget capabilities. For more information, see Dynamic Widgets. The widget provides additional modes for displaying the business topology of a CI. It looks for containment and dependency relationships between a business element and other CIs.

Note You should only specify the report layout in the dynamic widget definition if the Widget Type is set to Properties. Otherwise, your specified layout is disregarded.

CI Overview Mode

A count of CIs contained in the current CI's environment are displayed, divided by classification. Only classifications containing at least one CI are displayed. Each classification includes the name of the classification, its icon, and the number of CIs included in it. Clicking a particular classification displays the widget details and filters the selected classification (in both Topology Group CIT mode and Textual mode).

Widget Details Mode

Viewing the widget details does the following:

  • Replaces the data displayed in CI Overview mode.
  • Presents the detailed environment data in Map mode, CIT Group mode, or Textual mode, whichever was last used. The default mode is the Widget Type value that is selected during creation of the dynamic widget in UCMDB.

    Note If graphical mode does not display, it may be due to the fact that the drive of the machine where the UCMDB server is installed is full. Free up some space on that drive in order to view graphical mode.

    • Toolbar

      The top row of the Business widget acts as a toolbar and enables you to:

      • Switch between the different presentation modes
      • Click a button (in graphical mode only) that opens or closes the CIs pane. The default mode for the CIs pane is opened.

        The CIs pane details the CIs contained in the classification that is selected in the CIT Group pane, dividing it into all relevant CI types.

    • Map mode

      Note When the CMS UI is embedded in a UCMDB server running on a Linux system, runlevel 5 (enabled X server) is needed for the graphical mode of the Dynamic widget to operate properly. In addition, add ­unset DISPLAY to the script. Restart the UCMDB Server for the changes to take effect.

      • Classification icons are displayed in layers according to relationships in the topology and not according to the actual hierarchy.
      • When you select a CI, a refocus link appears in the corner of the selected node. Clicking this link causes the UCMDB Browser module to refocus on that node.

      Directional lines representing links are displayed with other items in the view if the selected CI has a direct relationship with at least one other CI (either in the same classification or in a different classification).

    • CIT Group mode

      • For each classification containing at least one CI, the name and number of CIs in that classification is displayed. Clicking a classification displays all CIs contained in that classification and matching the current filter. In addition, a thumbnail is displayed for each CI type that contains at least a single CI.
      • Classification icons are displayed in layers according to the relative hierarchy of the CIs as displayed in the topology map in UCMDB.

      Directional lines representing links are displayed with other items in the view if the selected CI has a direct relationship with at least one other CI (either in the same classification or in a different classification).

    • Textual mode

      • Left pane. The left pane displays an alphabetical list of all classifications containing at least one CI. Each classification is broken down into a list of the CI types in that classification that have at least one CI. Selecting any line in this pane displays its details in the right pane.

      • Right pane. The right pane displays detailed information about the item that is selected in the left pane, divided by CI type.