Dynamic Widgets

Dynamic widgets are widgets that display data about a particular view. You create dynamic widgets in the Modeling Studio in UCMDB.


  • After you create a dynamic widget in UCMDB, you must log out of the CMS UI and then log in again to see the newly created widget.
  • Only one level of grouping is supported.
  • If no grouping option has been specified in the hierarchy tree, all CI attributes appear in a single screen.
  • You must use the > Resource Creation Action > Dynamic Widget action on the Security > Roles Manager > General Actions tab to control which users may create new dynamic widgets in the Modeling Studio (for use in the UCMDB Browser module).

CI Overview Mode

On the Widget tab of the dynamic widget configuration, you must set an attribute to True in the Overview column for it to be displayed in CI Overview mode.

The CI Overview mode displays up to six individual properties (six random properties from all nodes specified in the dynamic widget).

Widget Details Mode

On the Widget tab of the dynamic widget configuration, you must set an attribute to True in the Details column for it to be displayed in Widget Details mode.

Properties in Widget Details mode are displayed in different ways, depending on the dynamic widget's configuration:

  • If no grouping classifications have been specified in the hierarchy tree of the dynamic widget's configuration, all attributes that are defined as True for being shown in Widget Details mode are displayed in a list.
  • If grouping classifications have been specified, in the first level of this mode CIs are displayed by group (as specified in the hierarchy tree) and show a maximum of two random attributes that are defined as True for being shown in CI Overview mode. Selecting one of the CIs shows all of the attributes for that CI that are defined as True for being shown in Widget Details mode, grouped by the group name for that attribute that was specified in the widget's configuration.

Create a dynamic widget

  1. In UCMDB, go to Modeling > Modeling Studio.

    Note To create a dynamic widget, you must have Create Dynamic Widget permission assigned in the Roles Manager in UCMDB.

  2. Click New and from the drop-down list, select Dynamic Widget. In the New Dynamic Widget dialog, select the base TQL query on which your new dynamic widget is based, or select Create new query to build a new TQL query.

    1. In the View tab, add the query nodes and relationships that define the query.

      >>for version 3.1 - delete this paragraph and note, and unconditionalize the <ol>, after confirmation with dev<<

      Specify whether to use a manual (default) or rule-based hierarchy when defining the TQL query.

      Note If you are starting with a blank widget, you must add at least one query node in order to save your widget.

    2. In the Report tab, select a node in the Hierarchy pane, and choose the attributes for that node that you want to appear in the widget.

    3. In the Widget tab, select a node and set values for that node's attributes:

      UI Element Description
      Overview Boolean. Specifies whether this attribute appears in the CI Overview mode.
      Details Boolean. Specifies whether this attribute appears in the Widget Details mode.
      Refocusable Boolean. Causes the attribute to appear as a hyperlink, which will refocus to the CI on which it is defined.
      Group Name String. Specifies the name of the section under which the attribute will be grouped in the Widget Details mode.
      • Select the Show path checkbox to cause the UCMDB Browser module to display the route in the dynamic widget from a specific node in the view definition to all the node's children.
      • Select the Enforce Browser CI access control checkbox to ensure that the dynamic widget displays data only according to the permissions that were specified in UCMDB (on the Browser CI Access Control tab in the Roles manager). If the checkbox is not selected, the dynamic widget will display all data, without permission enforcement.
      • Select an initial display mode for the dynamic widget.

        • Properties Mode. Displays individual properties for CIs.

          Note If you do not select a Widget Type value, Properties Mode is enabled by default.

        • Topology Map Mode. Displays CIs according to your current topology (folding definitions are also reflected).
        • Topology CIT Group Mode. Displays CIs grouped by CI type according to your current model.
        • Topology Textual Mode. Displays a list of CIs broken down by CI type.

        The topology mode that you select is the initial view selection until you change to another one in the UCMDB Browser module.

  3. When you are finished, click Save .

For additional details, see "Modeling Studio" in the Modeling section of the UCMDB Help.