Stakeholder Widget

The Stakeholder widget displays data on the owner of the selected CI and also on owner(s) of CIs directly related to the selected CI. A stakeholder is defined as either the owner of the selected CI or the owner of a CI directly related to the selected CI.

Note If the type of the selected CI is Person, this widget is collapsed, disabled, and displays the following message: “This widget is not relevant for selected CI”.

CI Overview Mode

In this mode, if there is more than one owner for the selected CI this widget displays the total number of owners (called Direct Stakeholders in the user interface). If there are one or more owners of CIs directly related to the selected CI, this widget displays the total number of owners of those directly related CIs (called Other Stakeholders in the user interface). If the selected CI has no direct owner, the message “There is no direct stakeholder” is displayed in the center of widget.

This widget also displays the following information on the owner of the selected CI:

  • Thumbnail picture (if it exists)
  • Name
  • Organization or Functional Group (if defined)
  • Email address (if defined)
  • Telephone number(s) (if defined). If there is more than one phone number for the owner, there is a button that expands the list of available phone numbers and indicates the type of phone of the owner.


  • The owner can have one of the following CI types: Organization, Functional Group, or Person. If there are two or more direct owners of the selected CI, this widget displays the owner in CI Overview mode according to the following priority levels: Organization (highest priority), Functional Group, Person (lowest priority).

    If, according to the priority levels above, there are two or more direct owners with the same priority level to be displayed, this widget displays the owner that comes first according to alphabetical order.

  • For the Person CI Type, this widget displays the Person's name according to the following priority levels: user label (highest priority), name, name of type (lowest priority).

    Only if the user label does not exist, will the widget display the Person's name. And only if the user label and name do not exist, will the widget display the name of type.

Widget Details Mode

This mode displays the same information that is listed in CI Overview mode, but for every stakeholder of the selected CI, and also displays all CIs owned by the stakeholder, within the context of the selected CI.

Note The default source of the thumbnail pictures is the website; however, this source can be changed as described in Change the Source of Thumbnails (for the Stakeholder Widget).