Defects Widget

The Defects widget presents the defects opened on all ALM projects that are linked (directly or indirectly) to the selected business element CI. In CI Overview mode, defects are displayed according to the defect number; in Widget Details mode, defect details are displayed, as described below.

A business element CI can be linked directly to one or more ALM project(s), using ALM filters (). A business element CI can also be linked indirectly to ALM projects, through its descendants (it is connected to another business element CI which is linked directly to one ALM project or more).

This widget is displayed only if it has been properly configured in UCMDB. For details on this configuration, see Integrate with ALM (for the Defects Widget).

This widget and the Defects adapter use the Defects CI type (part of Universal Data Model or UDM) for federating data from ALM and using it in the widget.

CI Overview Mode

The total number of Open defects in all projects linked to the selected CI are displayed, according to severity level. The severity levels are Low, Medium, High, Very High, and Urgent.

Widget Details Mode

The following information on defects related to the selected CI is displayed:

Left pane:

The following filters are used to filter the defects displayed in the widget's right pane:

  • Refine field. Enter a value here to filter the displayed defects to only those defects that contain this value in one of the attributes configured for search refinement. For example, if 12 is typed, all defects that contain “12” in at least one of the configured attributes remain visible, the others are hidden. This is a cross filter with the other two filters (Severity and First-level, described below).

    Configure attributes for the Refine search as follows:


    This is a comma-separated list, and the attributes listed here must belong to the Defect CI type. An attribute that does not belong to the Defect CI type is ignored.

    An "X" button appears to the right of the field, which allows clearing the entered text.

  • Severity. This is a toggle between available severity levels. You can filter defects according to severity level. For example, you can choose to display only defects with Urgent severity level. The default is All Severities, meaning that it displays defects of all severity levels. The number of defects for each severity level is displayed.
  • First level filtering. Since the resulting number of related defects can be high, it is possible to filter them according to one of the following:

    • If more than a single ALM Project is defined (either directly or indirectly), you can filter defects according to a specific project. The number of defects per ALM project is displayed. With this type of filtering, it is only possible to see defects of a specific ALM project. There is no option to see all defects of all ALM projects in a single view.

    • If a single ALM project is defined, first level filtering is determined by the system administrator.

Right pane:

All relevant defects, filtered by the search string, severity level, and first-level filtering are presented. Since all displayed defects belong to a single ALM project, the defect details presented are configurable. Each defect can be presented in a collapsed or expanded mode; collapsed is the default.

In collapsed mode, the following information is displayed:

  • Defect ID
  • Summary: The summary data is truncated to fit the two line column size.
  • Severity (configurable, see above)
  • Release: By default, sorting is done using the Severity field on a downward order. It is possible to sort defects according to any of the above fields, either upward or downward, using the arrows that appear on each field's label.

Sorting is done by default using the Severity field in descending order. Sorting defects by any field, either ascending or descending, is done using the arrows displayed on each field's label.

Expanding a Defect

The following information is added to the data presented in the collapsed mode when expanding the defect:

  • Full summary information
  • All defect-related properties that the UCMDB administrator configured to be displayed per ALM project.

All properties are textual, and are presented in two columns.

Defect Description in Widget Details Mode

The defect description setting configures which attribute of the Defect CIT is displayed in Expanded mode. The default setting is DefectSummary, as shown below:


The setting here must be an attribute of the Defect CI Type. If it is not, DefectSummary is used by default.

Severity Mapping

From the UCMDB Browser settings, it is possible to configure the list of values of the DefectSeverity attribute that are mapped to severity levels in the UCMDB Browser module.

For each Severity, the mapping can be configured from the UCMDB Browser settings as follows:

<severity_very_high_values>4:Very High</severity_very_high_values>

If the DefectSeverity of the Defect CI type has the value: “2:Medium”, it is mapped as Medium in the UCMDB Browser module. It is also possible to have a comma-separated list of values here.

Note The severity displayed in the UCMDB Browser module can be modified through UCMDB. Go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager > UCMDB Browser Settings.