Use > CMS Modules > UCMDB Browser > Widgets > Learn about Widgets > Dependent Services Widget

Dependent Services Widget

The Dependent Services widget presents all services (that is, all CIs that have the SERVICE_MODEL qualifier) that will have an impact on a selected CI if they fail, according to a specified impact severity level.

The following table displays the severity levels used in the UCMDB Browser module and the comparable severity levels in the UCMDB server:

UCMDB Browser module UCMDB Server
Critical Critical(9)
High Major(8)
Medium Minor(6)
Low Warning(2)

The severity level for a CI is cleared (set to None) when you log in to the CMS UI.

Note To view data in the Dependent Services widget, there must be an impact rule created in UCMDB and you must have View permission for the Resource Groups > Impact Analysis resource.

This widget uses out-of-the-box impact rules from UCMDB. To specify the impact rules used by this widget, see Specify Impact Rules.

CI Overview Mode

This mode summarizes the number of services that may impact the selected CI, according to the four severity levels: Critical, Major, Minor, and Normal.

Widget Details Mode

This mode presents detailed information on the services that may impact the selected CI. You can change the severity, which will rerun the analysis to show a different level of impact.