Incidents Widget

The Incidents widget presents the incidents related to the selected CI. CI Overview mode shows the number of incidents per priority, where the priority groups are Urgent, Major, Minor, and None. Widget Details mode displays incident details. The Incidents Widget is presented only when the Incidents setting element is enabled and configured from the Infrastructure Settings Manager in UCMDB. All data presented is taken from the UCMDB federated Incidents CI and its relationships.

Note The Create Time for federated CIs will show the Open Time of the Incident in SM. Using non federated Incidents CIs (populated with other integrations) will cause the Create Time to be the time when the Incident was created in UCMDB and not the time when the Incident was opened in the external data source.

This widget displays incidents related to the selected CI as follows:

  • All incidents linked directly to the CI through a Connection link.
  • If the selected CI is a Model. All incidents linked to all the CIs contained in that model (meaning, any other contained model or CI).
  • All incidents linked to CIs that are connected to the currently selected CI through a composition or membership relationship.
  • For BusinessService CIs. All incidents linked directly to the CI through an applicationLink link.

If an incident’s priority does not map to a UCMDB Browser’s Internal Priority, it should not be counted in CI Overview mode nor presented in Widget Details mode. For instructions on how to configure the UCMDB Browser's Internal Priorities, see Configure Browser Internal Priorities (for the Incidents and Problems Widgets).

CI Overview Mode

This mode presents the number of open incidents from SM that have an Open Date within the Timeline Span selected in the Widget Details mode (see the description below). The incidents are categorized by their Internal Priority, where:

  • Open incidents are all incidents whose status (an IT SM attribute, federated to UCMDB) is within a configured range of values defined by two configuration parameters. If an incident status does not belong to that set of values, it is not considered open.
  • Internal Priority is a UCMDB Browser set of values (1-4), where each value has a configurable label and is mapped to a set of IT SM Priority values (an SM attribute, federated to UCMDB). For instance, a valid configuration could be of four Internal Priorities (Urgent, Major, Minor, None), where each is mapped to a specific unique set of IT SM Priority values.

  • Both configuration parameters are defined only by the UCMDB administrator.

Widget Details Mode

This mode adds the following information to the summary displayed in CI overview mode:

  • Timeline Span toggle. This is a 4-way toggle, with the options Less than a day, Between 1 to 3 days, More than 3 days, and Show All. Selecting a timeline span displays all open incidents related to the selected CI that are in the timeline span (that is, their Open Date is within that timeline span). Changing the timeline span also changes the incident groups displayed in CI Overview mode. The default timeline span in Widget Details mode is Less than a day, unless there are no incidents in that span, in which case Between 1 to 3 days is displayed. The timeline span remains in effect for each user until it is changed.
  • All relevant incidents, divided by their Internal Priority. The internal sort within each priority group is according to the incident’s Open Date. The following items are provided per each incident:

    • Incident ID. This is a clickable field that refocuses on the Incident CI when selected.

    • Status

    • Impact

    • Urgency

    • Priority

    • Open Date

    • Title

    • Outage Start (this is an optional SM parameter)

    • Affected CI. Only a single CI is presented with a link to display all results. The CI presented is either the node to which the incident is linked (if it is not the current CI) or a Business CI affected by the incident (if the current CI is directly linked to the Incident CI). If there is a Business Service connected directly to the incident, it should be displayed as an affected CI. Affected CIs can be refocused.

      Note The affected CI is displayed only if it is within the context of the selected CI.

    • Affected Service. The first BusinessService CI connected to the Incident CI through a membership link. If no such CI exists, the Affected Service header will not be displayed. Affected Service can be refocused.

  • A direct link to the Service Manager system with the context of the selected incident is presented per each incident, if this link is configured. For instructions on how to configure this direct link to Service Manager, see Configure a Direct Link to Service Manager for a Selected Problem, Incident, or Change Request.

  • Each incident is separated from the others by empty space.