Use > Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Inventory Discovery > How to Configure XML Enricher to Suit the Probe Deployment Mode

How to Configure XML Enricher to Suit the Probe Deployment Mode

When the Data Flow Probe is installed, the XML Enricher is configured, by default, for the Standard Deployment mode.

Note The XML Enricher’s Windows service is configured with the Manual start up and the probe starts the XML Enricher service on demand when necessary. So you should not change the startup mode of the XML Enricher service.

If another Probe deployment is used, the XML Enricher settings must be manually adjusted to fit the deployment mode of the Probe.


  • The XML Enricher configurations described below have been tested against the Data Flow Probe deployment modes.

    However, other configurations may potentially be supported, provided that enough resources (memory and CPU) are available for the XML Enricher.

    For details about the Data Flow Probe deployment modes, see the Support Matrix section of the UCMDB Help document.

  • This task relevant for Data Flow Probes meant for discovery (on Windows machines) only.

  1. Configure the XML Enricher parameters

    Configure the XML Enricher parameters to suit the Data Flow Probe deployment mode:

    1. Set the XML Enricher mode and maximum amount of memory allocated by the Java Virtual Machine for the XML Enricher service, per the Data Flow Probe's deployment mode:

      1. On the Data Flow Probe machine, locate the WrapperEnricher.conf file in the following folder:


      2. Open the file in any text editor.

      3. In the Java Additional Parameters section, locate the following parameter, and set the value per the Data Flow Probe deployment mode:

        Parameter Description

        The XML Enricher mode.

        Probe Deployment Mode
        Small Database
        Standard Memory
        Enterprise Memory
      4. In the Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB) section, locate the following parameter, and set the value per the Data Flow Probe deployment mode:

        Parameter Description

        The maximum amount of memory that the Java Virtual Machine allocates for the XML Enricher service.

        Probe Deployment Maximum Memory
        Small 3584
        Standard 5120
        Enterprise 8192
    2. Configure the maximum number of processing threads to allocate to processing scan files in the XML Enricher service for all management zones:

      1. On the Data Flow Probe machine, locate the file in the following folder:


      2. Locate the following parameter, and set the value per the Data Flow Probe deployment mode:

        Parameter Description
        Probe Deployment Threads
        Small 1
        Standard 2
        Enterprise 4

        Note One thread is used initially. For Standard and Enterprise deployment, the actual number of threads used is gradually increased by 1, depending on load conditions and up to the maximum number of threads (configured in this setting).

  2. Restart the XML Enricher

    Restart the Universal Discovery XML Enricher service on the Data Flow Probe machine.

  3. Results

    Navigate to


    and analyze whether the scan file processing is at an acceptable level.

    If there is a large build up of the scan files in the incoming directory that does not get cleared after some time and continues to grow, this indicates that the XML Enricher's does not have enough resources to process scan files. In this case, the number of threads needs to be increased.

    Verify the number of threads that the XML Enricher service is using. For details, see How to Check XML Enricher Health Using JMX.

    When increasing the number of threads, the amount of memory allocated to the JVM needs to be increased as well. If the Standard mode parameters are not sufficient, use the parameters for the Enterprise mode deployment.

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