Use > Select Tokens

Select Tokens

A token is a system value that is automatically resolved internally when the property is read. Token values are available only for the following:

  • String property for a component type, component template, service component in a design, or resource offering
  • Parameter when a topology component operation has a mapping type of Context Property Token
  • String parameter input for an action
  • A parameter value to a script that is configured on a subscriber option property that is configured for Input Validation

  • A parameter value to a script that is configured on a subscriber option property of type List that is Dynamic Entry

  • A parameter value to a script that is configured on a user operation input parameter that is configured for Input Validation

  • A parameter value to a script that is configured on a user operation input parameter that has a mapping type of Prompt User List with the list configured for Dynamic Entry

The following tables provide all available tokens, their descriptions, and to which area they apply.

Server-side tokens

Token Description Applies to

Action Execution Retry

Resolves to false on the first attempt of an action. Resolves to true for subsequent action attempts after the initial action failed.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component

Action Name

Resolves to the value of ORDER when initially ordering a subscription and to the value of MODIFY_SUBSCRIPTION when modifying an existing subscription.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options

Keystone Trust ID

Resolves to the Keystone Trust ID.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Topology Component

Parent Service Component ID

Resolves to the Service Component ID of the parent service component.

For resource offerings, the Service Component ID refers to the service component that the resource offering is associated with in a service design.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
Resource Binding ID

Resolves to the Resource Binding ID that was created at subscription time.

  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering

Resource Subscription ID

Resolves to the Resource Subscription ID that was created from the resource offering at subscription time.

  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
Selected Provider ID
Resolves to the Provider ID that was selected at subscription time.
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Topology Component

Selected Resource Pool ID

Resolves to the Resource Pool ID that was selected at subscription time.

  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Topology Component
Service Blueprint ID

Resolves to the Service Blueprint ID.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
Service Catalog ID

Resolves to the Service Catalog ID used at subscription time.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Topology Component

Service Component ID

Resolves to the Service Component ID of the component associated with this action.

For resource offerings, the Service Component ID refers to the service component that the resource offering is associated with in a service design.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component

Service Component Type

Resolves to the Service Component Type (for example, Server) of the component associated with this action.

For resource offerings, the Service Component Type refers to the service component that the resource offering is associated with in a service design.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component

Service Instance ID

Resolves to the Service Instance ID created at subscription time.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Topology Component
Service Offering ID
Resolves to the Service Offering ID.
  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Sequenced
    Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
Service Request Organization ID

Resolves to the Organization ID associated with the service request.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Sequenced
    Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Topology Component
Service Request User ID

Resolves the User ID associated with the service request.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Sequenced
    Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Topology Component

Subscriber's Email Address

Resolves to email address of the subscriber.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Topology Component
Subscriber's Organization ID
Resolves to the Organization ID associated with the subscriber.
  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component

Subscription ID

Resolves to the Subscription ID created at subscription time.

  • Component Template
  • Provider Selection
  • Resource Offering
  • Service Component
  • Sequenced
    Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Topology Component

Client-side Tokens

Token Description Applies to


Allows you to have a dependency on a value of another property in the same option. This allows, for example, a parameter to a script on a Site option property (of type List, configured for Dynamic Entry) to reference the value of a Region option property on the same option. Note that <property_name> refers to the property Name, and not its Display Name.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options

Allows you to have a dependency on a value of a user operation input parameter. This allows, for example, an input validation script to retrieve the value of an action parameter input for validation.

User Operations


The ID of the provider with the specified name that was selected by the subscriber when ordering the subscription.

  • Topology Subscriber Options

Portal Tokens

When a subscription is owned by a group, a requesting user can be different than the user who made the initial subscription request. Use portal tokens to retrieve the context of the requesting user.

Token Description Applies to

Catalog ID

The ID of the catalog where a consumer user submits an initial subscription request or a request to modify an existing subscription.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Component Template - User Operation
  • Resource Offering - User Operation

Organization ID

The ID of the Organization to which the consumer user who submits a subscription request belongs.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Component Template - User Operation

  • Resource Offering - User Operation

Organization Name

The name of the Organization to which the consumer user who submits a subscription request belongs.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber
  • Component Template - User Operation

  • Resource Offering - User Operation

User Email

The email address of the consumer user who submits an initial subscription request or a request to modify an existing subscription.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Component Template - User Operation

  • Resource Offering - User Operation

User ID

The ID of the consumer user who submits an initial subscription request or a request to modify an existing subscription.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Component Template - User Operation

  • Resource Offering - User Operation

User Name

Resolves to the User Name.

  • Sequenced Subscriber Options
  • Topology Subscriber Options
  • Component Template - User Operation

  • Resource Offering - User Operation