Integrate > HPE ITOC - HPE CSA integration > Create a Resource Manager - HPE CSA

Create a Resource Manager - HPE CSA

  1. Log in to HPE ITOC as a user with the Business Administrators role.

  2. Navigate to the Resource Managers list.
  3. From Actions, select New Resource Manager.
  4. The New Resource Manager dialog appears:

  5. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: (required) - User-specified name.
    • Resource Type: (required) - Select Cloud Service Automation.
    • Enter resource attribute information:

      • Description: (optional) - A detailed description of the HPE CSA core with which you are integrating.
      • Version: (optional) - The HPE CSA version being used.
      • User (required) - The HPE CSA user.
      • Password: (required) - HPE CSA user password.
      • CSA Service URL: (required) - https://<csaServer>:<csaPort>/csa/

        Note: The Service URL must end with /csa/, as shown above.

      • Organization: (required) - The organization of the user.

        Note: If you created the HPE CSA instance using the defaults, this value would be CSA-Provider.