Use > Controls


Controls define what to measure, how to evaluate compliance, and how to remediate non-compliance. A control is a reusable, shared function or test used in a policy to create a rule, and it is associated to policy requirements through rules.

The same control can be used multiple times in the same policy. For example, a generic control that checks the status of a service can be used for multiple requirements within a policy to check whether many different services are enabled or disabled. In another example, one control may work across multiple Red Hat versions, but you may want to use a different value for evaluation for Red Hat 6 than used for Red Hat 7.

The same control also can be used across multiple policies. Different policies have similar requirements, so use the same controls to evaluate those rules. For example, use the same control to test minimum password length across all policies with that requirement.

Multiple controls may exist that perform the same function; for example, you may have two different scripts (one for Windows and one for Linux) that both test minimum password length.

By default, controls follow the Approval Required workflow. When a new revision of an existing control used in a policy rule is promoted into production, the new revision of the control will be used on the next scan of that policy through the SoA.

HPE provides policy content that can be downloaded from HPE Live Network and imported into HPE ITOC or users can create custom controls with their own scripts.

HPE ITOC controls help:

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