Administer > Notifications


Users are notified by email when they need to perform actions (such as approve a revision) or when changes occur to an object that is of interest to them. A user logged into the public organization with the Business Administration permission can view and manage notifications.

The administrator can enable or disable notification types, such as notification of a new revision of an object being promoted into production. The administrator also customizes whom to notify per notification type, such as notifying the named Approver user when an object revision is submitted for that user’s approval.

Notification types

HPE ITOC has several notification types, all of which are enabled by default. Email notifications are triggered by a specific event, such as submitting an object revision for approval. The Notifications view shows notifications by name and subscribers to each notification.


Each notification type has a default set of subscribers. The subscribers receive notifications based on their action on the object revision that the notification is about. Possible Subscriber options are as follows:

  • Creator - The user who created the object revision.
  • Submitter - The user who submitted the object revision.
  • Approver - The user specified as the approver for the object revision.
  • Rejecter - The user who rejected the object revision.
  • Commenter - The user who commented on the object revision.
  • One of the fixed roles. If a role is selected, the notification is sent to all users who belong to that particular role.

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