Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Queries > Create a query using array fields

Create a query using array fields

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Example: Retrieve all operator records where the operator has ability to execute tasks with the capability words of SysAdmin or problem management.

In queries using array fields, the position of an element within an array is not relevant. The logical operator or is used in array field queries and all records with any of the values entered in the array are retrieved.

In this example, we use the or logical operator to search for records in the operator.g form that contain the execute capability words of SysAdmin or Problem Management.

To create a query using array fields:

  1. Click Tailoring > Database Manager.
  2. Type =operator in the Form field, and then click Search.
  3. Click Search again.
  4. On the Operator Record form, click Startup tab.
  5. Type =SysAdmin in the first Execute Capabilities array field.
  6. Type =problem management in the second Execute Capabilities array field, and then click Find.

Click any record in the list of returned records to view the details.

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Record retrieval
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