Administer > Database administration > Data persistence > Queries > Create a query using not in statements

Create a query using not in statements

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Example: Retrieve all contacts records where the value of the manufacturer is not advantage and the not symbol (~) is unavailable on the keyboard.

In this example, we use the not relational operator to perform an Advanced Search on records in the contacts.qbe form and return a list of all contacts that are not employees of Advantage.

To create a query using not in statements:

  1. Click System Administration > Base System Configuration > Contacts
  2. On the Contact Information form, open the More Actions menu.
  3. Select Expert Search.

    The Query window opens.

  4. In the Query field, type not (company=“advantage”), and then click Search.
  5. Click any record in the list of returned records to view the details.

Related topics

Complex query expressions
Record retrieval
Relational operators
Retrieving records using the Query window method
The Database Manager utility
More Actions menu