Integrate > Oracle Enterprise Manager > Configure > Managing the Integrations

Managing the Integrations

Ops Connector for OEM enables you to manage its integrations.

Starting and Stopping the Integrations

While you do not need to manually start or stop the integration in normal circumstances, once Ops Connector for OEM is configured, there may be cases when this action is required. To start or stop the integration, perform these steps:

For Events:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

  2. If Ops Connector for OEM is hosted on a Linux system, change the current directory to /opt/OV/bin.

  3. To start or stop the event integration service, run the appropriate command:

    ovc -start <oemevent>

    ovc -stop <oemevent>

For Metrics:

To start or stop the metric collection, activate or deactivate the database policy.

For Topology:

To start or stop the topology collection, activate or deactivate both Scheduled Task and XML policies.

Restarting the Integrations

After reconfiguring Ops Connector for OEM, you must restart its integration. You can restart a specific integration if only a specific configuration file has changed. Perform these steps:

For Events:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

  2. If Ops Connector for OEM is hosted on a Linux system, change the current directory to /opt/OV/bin.

  3. To restart the event integration services, run the following commands:

    ovc -restart oemevent

For Metrics:

To restart the metric collection, deactivate and activate the database policy.

For Topology:

To restart the topology collection, deactivate and activate both Scheduled Task and XML policies.

Checking the Event Service State

Using the Ops Connector for OEM command-line interface, you can also check whether the event integration services are running. Perform these steps:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

  2. If Ops Connector for OEM is hosted on a Linux system, change the current directory to /opt/OV/bin.

  3. To check the status of the event integration services, run the following commands:

    ovc -status oemevent