Integrate > Oracle Enterprise Manager > Configure > Configuring Metric Collection

Configuring Metric Collection

  1. Log on to the Operations Connector web interface.
  2. In the list of policies, select the policy that you want to edit.

  3. From the toolbar, click Edit. The policy editor opens.

  4. Click Source tab to open the policy Source page. To configure the policy, perform the following:

    1. In the Classpath field, type the location of the ojdbc6.jar file that is loaded.

      Download the ojdbc6.jar file from the Oracle web site1The product is currently available on the web site, but the actual location may change.. Copy the JAR file to the <ovdatadir>\conf\HPBsmIntOEM\classpath> folder.

    2. In the Connect string field, type the fully qualified domain name of your OEM database host, port number and service name with the name of the OEM service.

    3. Enter the user name and password.
    4. Under Polling interval, specify how often the data is acquired from the database. Use the spin boxes to change the polling interval.

  5. Click Save and Close to save your changes and close the screen.

  6. Perform the following substep for each applicable policy:

    • To activate a policy, select it and click Activate in the toolbar, or right-click it and select Activate from the context menu.

    Activate the applicable policies:

    For 12c or 13c:

    • Operations Connector for OEM 03.11 - Metric Integration

      Policy ID: 20f0bf09-2c7a-490b-8566-e73a03815add

    For 11g:

    • Operations Connector for OEM 03.11 - Metric Integration (OraEM11g)

      Policy ID: f4864674-a45d-4ed2-ac11-a1304242e197

  7. For OEM data source creation, perform the following:

    1. Log on to the Operations Connector host machine.

    2. Open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

    3. If Ops Connector for OEM is hosted on a Linux system, change the current directory to /opt/OV/bin.

    4. Restart the opcgeni or all services by running the following command:

      For opcgeni:

      ovc -restart opcgeni

      For all services:

      ovc -restart

  8. Verify the metric data by performing the following:

    1. Open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

    2. If Ops Connector for OEM is hosted on a Linux system, change the current directory to /opt/OV/bin.

    3. Run the following command to verify the OEM data source HPBsmIntOEM:

      ovcodautil -showds

    4. Run the following command to verify metric and class names:

      ovcodautil -obj

    5. Run the following command to see the metric data for OEM:

      ovcodautil -dumpds HPBsmIntOEM