Integrate > Microsoft SCOM > Configure > Entity Mappings > Mappings Used in the Topology Integration

Mappings Used in the Topology Integration

OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM comes with preconfigured topology mappings that you can customize. The topology mappings are not defined in the Operations Connector policy for Microsoft SCOM topology, but rather in the topology synchronization package of OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM. This package is installed on the Microsoft SCOM host, and is registered with the integrated Microsoft SCOM instance.

The following sections list default mappings available in the topology synchronization package of OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM for different Microsoft SCOM management packs:

Windows Core Library Management Pack

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Windows Core Library management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

Windows Computer

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Windows type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Windows Computer Attribute Mapping
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Domain Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: DNS Domain Name
Host Key Microsoft SCOM object ID
Discovered OS Name Display Name attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Discovered OS Version Operating System Version attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Discovered OS Vendor Microsoft
Host OS Release Build Number attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Service Pack Service Pack Version attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Physical Memory Physical Memory (KB) attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Memory Size Physical Memory (KB) attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Processors Number Logical processors attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Main Processor Speed Speed attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the <WindowsOperatingSystem> Processor class
NT Main Processor Type

Based on the Data Width attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the <WindowsOperatingSystem> Processor class: if the value of Data Width equals 32 the value of this CI attribute is x86, otherwise the value is x86_64

Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute NetBIOS Computer Name if available, otherwise Display Name
Net Bios Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute NetBIOS Computer Name if available, otherwise Display Name
Primary DNS Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute DNS Name if available, otherwise Display Name

No relations are mapped for Microsoft SCOM objects of this class.

Windows Server Operating System Management Pack

The topology synchronization package maps all Windows operating system objects deriving their class from the Windows Core Library Management Pack.

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Windows Server Operating System management pack.

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Windows Server Operating System management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.


Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the FileSystem type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

LogicalDisk Attribute Mapping
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Mount Point Microsoft SCOM object attribute Device ID with colons (:) removed
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute Device Name with colons (:) removed
Disk Size Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Size (Bytes)
Disk Type Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Device Description
Filesystem Type Microsoft SCOM object attribute: FileSystem

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.


Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the DiskDevice type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

PhysicalDisk Attribute Mapping
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Model Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Caption
Vendor Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Manufacturer
Description Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Device Description

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.


Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Interface type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

NetworkAdapter Attribute Mapping
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Device Name
MAC Address Microsoft SCOM object attribute MAC Address with hyphens (-) removed
Interface Description Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Device Description
Interface Index Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Index
Interface Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name

For this type of Microsoft SCOM objects, the topology synchronization package also creates CIs of the IpAddress type. These CIs become children of the CI that is related to the Microsoft SCOM object of the NetworkAdapter class. The following table shows the mappings between Microsoft SCOM object attributes and attributes of the children CIs:

IPAddress Attribute Mapping
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name One IP address from the IP Address(es) Microsoft SCOM object attribute
Routing Domain DefaultDomain
IP Address One IP address from the IP Address(es) Microsoft SCOM object attribute
IP Address Value One IP address from the IP Address(es) Microsoft SCOMobject attribute
User Label One IP address from the IP Address(es) Microsoft SCOM object attribute
IP Netmask Microsoft SCOM object attribute: IP Subnet
IP Netclass Either A, B, or C
IP Netaddr Network address calculated from the subnet and IP address
IP Address Type Either IPv4 or IPv6, depending on the IP address

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of the NetworkAdapter class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of the IPAddress class have a containment relation from a Windows CI.

Windows Cluster Library Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Windows Cluster Library management pack.

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Windows Cluster Library management pack to the Run-Time Service Model database in OMi.

Windows Cluster

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the MS Cluster type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Windows Cluster Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Vendor Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Vendor ID
Version Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Highest Version

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a membership relation to a Cluster Software CI.

Windows Cluster Service

SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Cluster Software type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Windows Cluster Service Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the parent
Windows Computer object
Discovered Product Name Microsoft Cluster Service
Application Category Cluster
Vendor Microsoft Corp.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Windows CI

  • execution environment relation to a Cluster Resource Group CI

  • ownership relation to a Cluster Resource Group CI

Windows Computer (Child of Windows Cluster Resource Group)

Microsoft SCOM objects of the Windows Computer class that are children of a Windows Cluster Resource Group object are mapped to CIs of the Cluster Resource Group type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Windows Computer (Child of Windows Cluster Resource Group) Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Domain Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: DNS Domain Name
Host Key Microsoft SCOM object ID
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: NetBIOS Computer Name
Net Bios Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: NetBIOS Computer Name
Primary DNS Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: DNS Name
User label Parent Windows Cluster Resource Group Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Original Group Name
Discovered OS Name Display Name attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Discovered OS Vendor Microsoft Corp.
Discovered OS Version Operating System Version attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Host OS Release Build Number attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • containment relation from an MS Cluster CI

  • containment relation to a NetworkAdapter CI

Windows Server Hyper-V Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Windows Server Hyper-V management pack (its Library part: Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.Library).

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Windows Server Hyper-V management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

Server Running Hyper-V

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Hypervisor type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Server Running Hyper-V Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Server Name
Discovered Product Name Hyper-V hypervisor
Vendor Microsoft Corp.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.

Windows Computer (Child of Hyper-V Virtual Machine)

Microsoft SCOM objects of the Windows Computer class that are children of a Hyper-V Virtual Machine Microsoft SCOM object are mapped to CIs of the Windows type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Windows Computer (Child of Hyper-V Virtual Machine) Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Domain Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: DNS Domain Name
Host Key Microsoft SCOM object ID
Discovered OS Name Display Name attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Discovered OS Version Operating System Version attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Discovered OS Vendor Microsoft
Host OS Release Build Number attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Service Pack Service Pack Version attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Physical Memory Physical Memory (KB) attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
Memory Size Physical Memory (KB) attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Processors Number Logical processors attribute from the child Microsoft SCOM object of the Windows Operating System class
NT Main Processor Speed Speed attribute from the Microsoft SCOM child object of the <WindowsOperatingSystem> Processor class
NT Main Processor Type

Based on the Data Width attribute from the Microsoft SCOM child object of the <WindowsOperatingSystem> Processor class: if the value of Data Width equals 32 the value of this CI attribute is x86, otherwise the value is x86_64

Name NetBIOS Computer Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute if available, otherwise Display Name
Net Bios Name NetBIOS Computer Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute if available, otherwise Display Name
Primary DNS Name DNS Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute if available, otherwise Display Name
Discovered Model Virtual Machine
Host Is Virtual True
Serial Number Parent Hyper-V Virtual Machine Microsoft SCOM object attribute Virtual Machine Id
User Label Parent Hyper-V Virtual Machine Microsoft SCOM object attribute Display Name

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the execution environment relation with a Hypervisor CI.

Windows DNS Server Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Windows DNS Server management pack (its Library part: Microsoft.Windows.DNS.Server.Library).

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Windows DNS Server management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

DNS Server

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Dns Server type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

DNS Server Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Discovered Product Name DNS Server
Application IP Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Listening IPs
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Windows CI

  • usage relation from the corresponding Active Directory Domain CI that represents a domain controller

Active Directory Domain Services Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Active Directory Domain Services management pack.

For the releases 2008 and 2003 of Active Directory Domain Services, one of the following Discovery parts of the management pack is used: Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.2008.Discovery or Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.2003.Discovery.

For other Active Directory Domain Services releases, objects deriving from the Microsoft.Windows.Server.AD.Library part are mapped.

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Active Directory Domain Services management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

Active Directory Topology Root

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Active Directory Topology Root type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

No relations are mapped for Microsoft SCOM objects of this class.

Active Directory Forest

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Active Directory Forest type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

The CI of type Active Directory Forest is mapped to a parent CI of the Active Directory Topology Root type.

Active Directory Site

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Active Directory Site type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

The CI of type Active Directory Site is mapped to a parent CI of the Active Directory Forest type.

Active Directory Domain

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Active Directory Domain type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

The CI of type Active Directory Domain is mapped to a parent CI of the Active Directory Forest type.

Active Directory Domain Controller Server 2008 Computer Role, Active Directory Domain Controller Server 2003 Computer Role

Microsoft SCOM objects of these classes are mapped to CIs of the Active Directory Domain type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Active Directory Domain Controller Server Computer Role Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Discovered Product Name AD Domain Controller
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
DNS Server Parent Microsoft SCOM object attribute DNS Name
Domain Name Parent Microsoft SCOM object attribute Domain DNS Name
Site Name Parent Microsoft SCOM object attribute Active Directory Site

For this type of the Microsoft SCOM object, the topology synchronization package maps some attributes as CIs. The CIs become children of the CI that is related to the Microsoft SCOM object. The following table shows the mappings between Microsoft SCOM object attributes and children CIs:

Active Directory Domain Controller Server Computer Role Child CI Mappings
SCOM Object Attribute Child CI Type
Schema Master SchemaMaster
Domain Naming Master DomainNamingMaster
RID Master RelativeIDMaster
PDC Emulator PrimaryDomainControllerMaster
Infrastructure Master InfrastructureMaster
Global Catalog Server GlobalCatalogServer

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation to a Windows CI

  • membership relations from the Active Directory Domain and Active Directory Site CIs

Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services management pack (its Library part: Microsoft.Windows.Server.LDS.Library).

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

Services Instance

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Active Directory Application Mode type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Services Instance Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Discovered Product Name ADAM
ADAM Instance Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Exchange Server Name Display Name attribute from the sibling Microsoft SCOM object of the Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server or
Exchange 2007 Common Components class
Vendor Microsoft
Application Category Enterprise App

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Windows CI

  • usage relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI

  • usage relation to an Active Directory Domain CI that represents a domain controller

Exchange Server 2010 Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Exchange Server 2010 management pack.

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Exchange Server 2010 management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.


Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Organization type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Organization Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a membership relation from an Active Directory Forest CI.

Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the MicrosoftExchangeServer type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Discovered Product Name Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
Exchange Server Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
FQDN Microsoft SCOM object attribute: DNS Name
Application Category Mail
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Vendor Microsoft Corp.
Version 2010

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Windows CI

  • membership relation from an Exchange Organization CI

  • membership relation from an Active Directory Site CI

  • usage relation to an Active Directory Domain CI that represents a domain controller

Client Access

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Client Access Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Edge Transport

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Edge Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Hub Transport

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Hub Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.


Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Mail Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Unified Messaging

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Unified Messaging Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Mailbox Database Mounted

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Mailbox Database type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Mailbox Database Mounted Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Database Name
Data GUID Microsoft SCOM object ID
Database Path Microsoft SCOM object attribute: EDB File Path
Transaction Log Path Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Log Folder Path

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI

  • usage relation to a LogicalDisk CI

Mailbox Database Availability Group

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Database Availability Group type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Instance Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI

  • membership relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI

Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Exchange Server 2007 management pack (its Library part: Microsoft.Exchange.Server.2007.Library).

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Exchange Server 2007 management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

Exchange 2007 Organization

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Organization type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Organization Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a membership relation from an Active Directory Forest CI.

Exchange 2007 Common Components

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the MicrosoftExchangeServer type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Exchange 2007 Common Components Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Discovered Product Name Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Exchange Server Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
FQDN Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the parent Windows Computer object
Application Category Mail
Vendor Microsoft
Version 2007

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Windows CI

  • membership relation from an Exchange Organization CI

  • membership relation from an Active Directory Site CI

  • usage relation to an Active Directory Domain CI that represents a domain controller

Exchange 2007 Client Access Role

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Client Access Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Exchange 2007 Standalone Mailbox Role

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Mail Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Exchange 2007 Edge Transport Role

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Edge Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Role

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Hub Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging Role

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Unified Messaging Server type.

The Microsoft SCOM object's Display Name attribute is mapped to the CI's Name attribute.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI.

Exchange 2007 Mailbox Database

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the Exchange Mailbox Database type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Exchange 2007 Mailbox Database Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Data GUID Microsoft SCOM object ID
Database Path Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Database Edb File Path
Transaction Log Path Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Database Log File Path

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Microsoft Exchange Server CI

  • usage relation to a LogicalDisk CI

SQL Server Management Packs

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the SQL Server management packs (their Library part: Microsoft.SQLServer.Library).

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the SQL Server management pack to the RTSM database of OMi.

SQL DB Engine

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the SQL Server type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

SQL DB Engine Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Discovered Product Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: SQL Server
Version Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Version
Database DB Connection String Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Connection String
Database DB Install Path Microsoft SCOM object attribute:
Master Database Location
Application Path Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Install Path
Language Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Language
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Instance Name
Application User Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Account Name
Application Category Database
Database DB Type sqlserver
Vendor Microsoft Corp.
Application IP IP address returned by nslookup for the hostname within the Connection String Microsoft SCOM object attribute

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have the following relations:

  • parent relation from a Windows CI

  • usage relation to a LogicalDisk CI

SQL Database

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the MSSQL Database type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

SQL Database Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
User Label Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Database Name

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from an SQL Server CI.

Internet Information Services Management Packs

The following diagram presents an overview of the CIs and relations that the topology synchronization package maps in the RTSM database of OMi for the Internet Information Services management packs.

The topology synchronization package maps the following classes of Microsoft SCOM objects from the Internet Information Services management packs to the Run-Time Service Model (RTSM) database of OMi.

FTP Server Service

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the IIS FTP Server type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

FTP Server Service Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Discovered Product Name Node Name
Vendor Microsoft Corp.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.

Web Server Service

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the IIS Web Server type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

Web Server Service Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name
Discovered Product Name Node Name
Vendor Microsoft Corp.

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.

IIS Application Pool

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the IIS Application Pool type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

IIS Application Pool Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation from a Windows CI.

IIS Web Site

Microsoft SCOM objects of this class are mapped to CIs of the IIS Web Site type.

The following table shows the mapping between the Microsoft SCOM object attributes and the CI attributes:

IIS Web Site Attribute Mappings
CI Attribute Name CI Attribute Value
Name Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Site Id
User Label Microsoft SCOM object attribute: Display Name

CIs that represent Microsoft SCOM objects of this class have a parent relation to a Windows CI.