Integrate > Microsoft SCOM > Install > Installing the Microsoft SCOM Built-In Diagnostics Loader Stub

Installing the Microsoft SCOM Built-In Diagnostics Loader Stub

To prevent specific warnings from getting logged into the operating system event log, make the Microsoft SCOM Built-In Diagnostics (BID) Loader Stub available to OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Depending on whether you have access to the Microsoft SCOM host, obtain the MomBidLdr.dll file as follows:

    • If you do have access, locate the file in the <SCOMHome> directory on the Microsoft SCOM host.

    • If you do not have access, download the file from the Microsoft Download Center web site in a similar way as described in Obtaining the Microsoft SCOM SDK Assembly Files topic.

  2. Copy MomBidLdr.dll to the %windir%\System32 directory on the Operations Connector host.

    The windir operating system variable is automatically resolved in Windows Explorer and Command Prompt windows.

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Obtaining the Microsoft SCOM SDK Assembly Files