Integrate > Microsoft SCOM > Install > Installing OMi Content Pack for Microsoft SCOM

Installing OMi Content Pack for Microsoft SCOM

OMi Content pack include Topology Synchronization files, performance dashboard and other configuration changes. OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM can only forward Microsoft SCOM topology to OMi when a required topology synchronization package is registered with OMi. This package is included in the OpsCx for Microsoft SCOM product image archive. Additionally, visual representation of metrics in the OMi web interface is only available when the bundled performance dashboard are imported into OMi as a content pack.

To install OMi content pack for Microsoft SCOM, perform these steps:

  1. On the Operations Connector host, locate the file at the following location:


  2. Copy the archive file from its directory on the Operations Connector host to a location of your choice on the OMi Data Processing Server host, and unpack the archive.

  3. On the OMi Data Processing Server host, open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

  4. Change the current directory to the HPBsmIntSCOM subdirectory within the temporary directory where you unpacked the archive.

  5. Considering the host operating system, run the following command :


    cscript OpsCxInstall.vbs -i


    Provide executable permission to the file before running the script. -i