Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch administration > Importing Windows patch utilities

Importing Windows patch utilities

To enable patch management for Windows servers, you must import the Windows patch utilities.

Note If you do not plan to use SA to manage your Windows servers, you can optionally choose not to install these files and still successfully complete the installation process. However, if these files are not installed, no operations against Windows servers should be performed. These files are required for many Windows-based operations other than Windows patching.

Note During an SA core installation, if you set the windows_util_loc parameter to none, the Windows utilities will not be imported during a core installation and operations on Windows servers will not be supported. See the SA 10.50 Install Guide for more information.

Note Before you can import the Windows utilities, you must configure your browser to not use the web proxy when communicating with your SA core. See Prerequisite for importing the patch database and utilities for instructions.

After you install an SA core, you can import (download) the following Windows utilities from the vendor:

  • WindowsUpdateAgent-ia64.exe
  • WindowsUpdateAgent-x64.exe
  • WindowsUpdateAgent-x86.exe

To update and import Windows patch utilities:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Administration> Patch Settings.
  2. The Patch Settings window appears and SA checks for Windows patch utility updates.

    The Latest column in the Windows Patch Utilities section of the window indicates that SA is checking for updates.

    • The Latest column displays the latest version that is available from the vendor.
    • The Version column displays the version of the utility that is already in the SA database.
  1. If you are connected to the internet, the Latest column is updated to the latest version that is available from the vendor.

    1. Compare the values in the Latest column to the Version column.
    2. If the Version in the SA database is lower than the Latest version that is available from the vendor your utilities need to be updated.

    3. Click Import from Vendor to get the latest utilities.

    4. In the Import from Vendor window, select one or more utilities and then click Import.

      The Importing Utility Update window displays the status of the process.

      • If the job complete, the Status column will display the success icon .
      • If the job fails, the Status column will display the error icon . Double-click the error icon to display the error message.
    5. After the process completes, click Close.

  1. If you are not connected to the internet, the Unable to Access wuredist.cabwindow appears providing an option to import the Windows Update Agent ( from a local file.

    1. Click Import.
    2. In the Import Patch Utility dialog, find and select the file locally.
    3. Click Import to import the utility update.
    4. After the import is complete, the Latest column shows which utilities have updates available.