Use > Server patching > Patch management for Solaris > Installing a Solaris patch > Installing patches using offline volumes

Installing patches using offline volumes

You can install Solaris patches using offline volumes. This section assumes you are familiar with Solaris Volume Manager.

A sample script is available so that you can modify it and use it to install Solaris patches using offline volumes.

To install Solaris patches using offline volumes:

  1. Create a Solaris patch policy that contains the patches you want to install on the server. See Creating a Solaris patch policy.
  2. Create a disk mirror on the server being patched.
  3. Split the mirror.
  4. Mount the offline disk.
  5. Create a text file on the server named /etc/opt/opsware/agent/offline_disk.
  6. Edit this file and enter the mount point of the offline disk, such as /alt.
  7. Remediate the server against the patch policy to install the patches on the server.

    SA installs the patches to the offline disk at the offline disk mount point listed in the file

  8. Reboot the server to the newly patched offline disk.
  9. Verify that the patches are installed on the patched disk and that the server is running properly.
  10. If the patched disk is behaving as expected, sync the mirror.

    If the patched disk is not behaving as expected, reboot the system to the original disk and sync the mirrors.