Installing a patch cluster

Before you install the Solaris patch cluster, review the Readme file for each cluster. For clusters that require a passcode, SA does not require that you to manually enter the passcode that is in the Readme file.

SA can install all Solaris patch clusters, including clusters that require passcodes. Some clusters may need to reboot the server multiple times during the install process. SA will automatically perform the reboots when the cluster Install Parameters has Reboot Required set to Yes and the remediate job options for rebooting are set to either Reboot servers as specified by individual software items (Default) or Reboot servers after each installation or uninstallation.

If any of these reboot options are not set, the cluster will install up to the point where a reboot is required, if one is required. At the completion of the remediation job, the cluster status will display Not installed, the job status will show Failed, and the output of the job will contain a message indicating that the server must be rebooted before any more patches can be installed. After rebooting the server, the rest of the cluster can be installed by running the job again. If the cluster requires a reboot, no other patches can be installed until the server is rebooted.