Use > Server patching > Patch management for Solaris > Patch Policy Management

Patch Policy Management

In HPE Server Automation, Solaris patch policies allow you to install patches and patch clusters on managed servers and groups of managed servers in your environment. After creating a patch policy, you can attach it to servers or groups of servers. When you remediate a server or group of servers, the patches specified in the attached policy are installed. The remediate process compares what is actually installed on a server to the patches that should be installed on the server, based on the policy. SA then determines what operations are required to configure the server so that it complies with the policy.

After you add Solaris patches and patch clusters to a patch policy, you can specify the order in which you want them to be installed. When you attach the patch policy to a server and remediate the server, SA installs the patches and patch clusters in the patch policy in the specified order.

You can also use software policies to manage and install patches. A Solaris patch policy cannot include other patch policies; however, a software policy can include Solaris patch policies. See the SA 10.50 User Guide for more information.

Using the SA Client, you can also attach a Solaris patch policy to an OS sequence. When you run the OS sequence, if the remediate option is enabled (in the Remediate Policy window), all the patches in the patch policy will be installed on the server where the OS sequence is being installed. If the remediate option is disabled, none of the patches will be installed on the server. See the SA 10.50 Administration Guide for more information.

Solaris patch policy management includes the following tasks: