Resolving patch dependencies

When you use the solpatch_import command with the filter option, the command resolves all patch dependencies, resulting in a complete set of installable patches.

When you add patches manually to a patch policy, SA can determine the dependencies for all patches in the patch policy.

For each patch in the Solaris patch policy, SA determines the following conditions:

  • Patches that supersede or obsolete a given patch and should be installed instead of the patch.
  • Patches that are a prerequisite to a given patch and must be installed before the patch.
  • Patches that are incompatible with each other and cannot be installed together. You must specify which incompatible patches you want to install.
  • Patches that have been withdrawn by the vendor.
  • The valid installation order of all patches, preserving the installation order of the original patches that were in the policy, unless a change is required.

To determine patch dependencies, you must place the patches in a Solaris patch policy.

To resolve dependent patches in a patch policy:

  1. Select Library > By Type > Patch Policies > Solaris.
  2. Select a version of SunOS and then select a patch policy.)
  3. Double-click a Solaris patch to open the Patch Policy window.
  4. In the Patch Policy window, select Policy Items in the View pane. This displays the list of Solaris patches in the patch policy.
  5. In the Patch Policy window, select Actions > Resolve Dependencies or click . This action examines the Solaris patch database in SA and identifies all dependencies and displays the result, showing the resulting list of patches that need to be installed.

Example: Resolving Solaris patch dependencies

The following figure shows a Solaris patch policy that contains 2 scripts and 3 patches. The order shown is the order in which the scripts will be executed and the order in which the patches will be installed

Solaris patch policy: Resolve dependencies

The following figure shows the results of selecting Resolve Dependencies for this patch policy. The following changes have been made to this patch policy:

  • Patch 105181-25 has been replaced with a newer version, 105181-39.
  • Patch 117435-02 remains in the policy.
  • Patch 137124-01 replaces patch 138170-01.
  • 23 additional patches have been added because they are required by 137124-01.
  • The two scripts remain in the policy, in their respective positions in the policy.

Because of the iterative nature of resolving dependencies for a set of patches, it is not always obvious how the changes to a patch policy were made.

Dependencies for all patches in a patch policy

Click Show Differences to display more details about the differences between the original patch policy and the proposed new set of patches. In the Show Differences window, click Export to save the differences between the policies to a file. You can use this information with the solpatch_import command to import the new patches into SA.