Use > Server patching > Patch management for Ubuntu > Remediating patch policies

Remediating patch policies

This action installs the packages in a policy that has been attached to managed servers. This action does not uninstall packages. A patch policy can be overridden by an exception, which indicates that a package is either always or never installed on a particular server.

To remediate a patch policy:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library. In the By Type tab, select Packages > Ubuntu.
  2. Expand Ubuntuand select a specific Ubuntu operating system.

    The content pane displays all patch policies associated with that operating system.

  3. In the content pane, open a patch policy.

  4. In the View drop-down list, select Servers.
  5. In the Show drop-down list in the content pane, select Servers with Policy Attached.

  6. In the preview pane, select one or more servers.

  7. From the Actions menu, select Remediate.

    The first step of the Remediate window appears: Servers and Device Groups. For instructions on each step, see the following sections:

    After you have completed a step, click Next to advance to the next step. Before you click Start Job, you can return to a completed step to make changes by clicking on it in the list of steps.

  1. Click Start Job to launch the remediation job.

After you launch the job, you cannot change its parameters, even if the job is scheduled to run at a later time.