Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch installation > Service packs, update rollups, and hotfixes

Service packs, update rollups, and hotfixes

When you try to install a Service Pack, Update Rollup, or a Hotfix, there is a known delay when a confirmation dialog displays. Since the SA Agent is installing or uninstalling the patch, it cannot respond to the confirmation dialog. The Agent will time out an installation or uninstallation process if you do not click OK in the confirmation dialog.

  • For Hotfixes, the Agent will time out if five minutes have lapsed and you have not clicked OK in the confirmation dialog.
  • For Service Packs and Update Rollups, the Agent will time out if 60 minutes have lapsed and you have not clicked OK in the confirmation dialog.

To prevent this from happening, patch install and uninstall commands should have arguments that invoke silent mode installs and uninstalls. By default, the -q flag is set.