Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch installation > Windows Operating System service pack requirements

Windows Operating System service pack requirements

Windows Operating System (OS) Service Packs must be installed independently.

If you are installing a combination of Windows update items, such as hotfixes, update rollups, and service packs, it is important that you install each Windows OS Service Pack separately—each with its own job ending in a system reboot—before installing any of the other items. This will prevent errors that could result from installing unnecessary hotfixes that are rolled up into the subsequent Service Packs.

Hotfixes are usually quickly released refinements that are eventually rolled up into the subsequent Service Pack. So, installing both the hotfix before the Service Pack, or at the same time, can result in redundant hotfix installations and installation errors.

Isolate Windows OS Service Packs into their own individual policies and install them independently—each service pack in its own remediation or ad hoc installation job. Reboot the system before installing the remainder of the Vendor Recommended Policy updates.

Do not install Windows OS Service Packs in the same remediation job as other update items; doing so can result in installation errors