Use > Service Automation Visualizer > SAV usage examples > Discovering and mapping business applications on servers

Discovering and mapping business applications on servers

SAV scans the selected servers and discovers all applications, signatures, processes and process families, files systems, local and remote storage, database connections, and any other connections related to all the applications running on the selected servers. SAV displays detailed “maps” of the applications (processes and process families) and servers and connections associated with them, as well as any related network relationships.

The application administrator examines this information and sees a short list of items that contains two servers, one of which is his server, and two network devices. Looking at the Server Map, he selects the box that represents his server, and a properties pane opens to display more detailed information about the server. He notices that the server has virtual machine-related information, so he concludes that his business application may be running on a virtual machine instance.

He then clicks Show Virtual/Physical Containment Relationships on the SAV toolbar, and now the map shows that his server is a virtual machine running on a hypervisor. He double-clicks the hypervisor server and once it expands, he sees his server within it. He now understands that his business application runs on a VMware virtual machine (VM), and has visibility into the physical host (hypervisor) on which the VM runs.

For more information on the SAV maps, see SAV maps.