Administer > SA Provisioning > Performing SA provisioning

Performing SA provisioning

This section describes the SA Provisioning process.

Required permissions

Before you can configure or perform SA Provisioning, your SA Administrator must have granted you a specific set of SA Provisioning permissions. You must also have permissions to access the servers associated with SA customers, facilities or server groups. For more information, see the SA 10.50 Administration Guide.

The SA provisioning process

This section will guide you through provisioning servers in three easy steps using only the out-of-the-box provisioning content (baseline Build Plans).

The Provisioning process consists of several phases:

Phase 1: Preparing the media

Phase 2: Preparing target servers

Phase 3: Running a Build Plan

If you want to customize how SA performs provisioning, see Creating SA Build Plans.

You can find examples in SA Provisioning Common Use Cases.

Note Ensure that the DHCP Server has been configured for SA Provisioning as described in DHCP Configuration (IPv4 and IPv6) for SA Provisioning.

See Creating SA Build Plans for advanced information and SA Provisioning Common Use Cases for sample step-by-step procedures.