Administer > Reports > SA Client reports > Modifying report parameters

Modifying report parameters

You can modify the default parameters and run a report that includes certain servers, customers, or hardware models.

To modify the default parameters:

  1. In the drop-down list for (the Server, Customer, Model, and so on), select Contains, Equals, Begins With, or Ends With.
  2. (Optional) Select the ellipsis button to open the Select Values window.
  3. In the Select Values window, select a value in the Available or Selected pane and then use the directional buttons to include it in or exclude it from your search criteria.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.
  5. Click Run to run the report. The report results appear in the contents pane. See Report results.
If data cannot be found to run the report, a “No records to display!” error displays. See also Report results restrictions.