Use > Server Automation > SA Global Shell > Global Shell examples > Opening a Global Shell session

Opening a Global Shell session

You can open a Global Shell session with an ssh client or from within the SA Client. When you open a session, the working directory is /home/user-name.

To open a Global Shell session with an ssh client:

  1. On a host that is not an SA core server or a managed server, open a terminal window.
  2. In the terminal window, enter an ssh command with the following syntax:
    ssh -p 2222 user-name@ogfs-host
    To use this command, port 2222 must be open on the firewall that protects the OGFS server. The user-name is your SA user (login) and the ogfs-host is the host name (or IP address) of the core server running the OGFS. The SA user name is not case sensitive. After you enter the ssh command, the OGFS prompts for the password of the SA user. To open a Global Shell session from within the SA Client, from the Actions menu, select Global Shell.