Use > Server Automation > SA Global Shell > Global Shell examples > Finding servers in the OGFS

Finding servers in the OGFS

  • List the names of all servers that you can manage with SA:
    ls /opsw/Server/@
  • List the IDs of the servers:
    ls -a /opsw/.Server.ID
  • Find all servers in the domain by specifying the wildcard character (*):
    ls -d /opsw/Server/@/*
  • List all servers in the Atlanta facility:
    ls /opsw/Server/@Facility/Atlanta/@
  • List the servers in the public device group named Alpha:
    ls /opsw/Group/Public/Alpha/@/Server
  • List the servers in the All Windows Servers group, first with backlashes to escape the spaces in the group name, then by enclosing the option in single quotes:
    ls /opsw/Group/Public/All\ Windows\ Servers/@/Server
    ls '/opsw/Group/Public/All Windows Servers/@/Server'
  • List the servers of the Widget customer:
    ls /opsw/Customer/Widget@/Server

The following two commands display the same output, the servers in the Atlanta facility that belong to the Green customer:
ls /opsw/Server/@Facility/Atlanta/@Customer/Green/@
ls /opsw/Server/@Customer/Green/@Facility/Atlanta/@