Searching for Servers or Other Resources

In the SA Wizards, you can browse for servers, operating systems, or search for these items.

Perform the following steps to search:

  1. In an SA wizard, select the Search tab. The following Search page appears.

    Search Tab in the Select Servers Step of an SA Wizard

    You can also use the Search tab at other steps in the wizards to search for operating systems, patches, applications, and templates.
    From the navigation panel, select Servers > Search. The Search page

    Search Page

    By default, one search rule is added to the search.
  2. Specify the rule that you want to search for by selecting it from the first list. Depending on the rule that you select, a popup window might appear in the page. For example, if you selected Deployment Stage, a popup window showing the stages appears in the page as shown in the following:

    Search Popup Window with Values

    You cannot search in Notes that contain line breaks. See Line Break Workaround for Server Search for more information and a workaround.

    If you are searching while using an SA wizard, the first search rule list might not have all the options. The list only includes the options that are relevant for the SA wizard that is being used. For example, the Install OS Wizard does not include options to search for installed patches on the servers.
  3. In the second list, specify how you want SA to search by selecting a value. The operator selected defines how the search text is treated. Negative operators might not be available in all cases.

    See Rules for Server Search and for Creating Dynamic Device Groups for more information about the operator for each search rule.
  4. Enter the text that you want to search for in the text box or choose a value from the list or popup window. The search text that you enter can include an asterisk (*) wildcard character. The search text is case insensitive. You can also use the SHIFT or CTRL key to select multiple values from the list or popup window.
  5. (Optional) To add additional rules, click the plus (+) button as shown in the following figure and repeat Steps 2 through 4.

    Multiple Rules in a Search

  6. If you specified multiple rules for the search, select whether you want search results only if all rules are met or if any of the rules are met, as the following figure shows.

    Operator Controlling Search Results

    By default, search results appear for servers that match all the search rules. If you are searching from an SA wizard, this field is set to the value if all rules are met; you can change the value when searching for servers, but you cannot change it when searching for patches, software, operating systems, and so on.
  7. Click Search. The list of servers that match your search rules appears in the page.The search results include columns for Name, IP Address, OS Version, Facility, and Customer.

    When you search for installed software or patches and include an asterisk in the search text, SA might take several minutes to display the search results.