Install > Preinstallation tasks > Important SA installation information > SA Core installation process flow

SA Core installation process flow

The six main phases of the SA core installation process are summarized below. For more detailed information, see the cross references associated with each step.

  1. Planning: In the planning phase, you must decide which facilities and servers you will manage with SA. You must also choose the type of SA installation that is appropriate for your site(s) and ensure that you have the required hardware and software, including operating systems, and sufficient network connectivity.

    See the "SA Overview and Architecture" in the SA 10.50 Key Concepts Guide and System requirements for installation for more information.

  2. Pre-installation Requirements: Before beginning a core installation, whether it is a Single Core or a core in a Multimaster Mesh, you must perform such administrative tasks as ensuring that host names can be resolved, required ports are open and available, and installing any necessary operating system utilities, packages, and/or patches.

    See System requirements for installation for more information.

  3. Prerequisite Information for the SA Installer Interview: Installer Interview requires that you have certain information about your operational environment available. The information you provide will be saved into a Core Definition File (CDF). You must gather this information and have it at hand as you run the pre-installation interview. Some examples of the information required are the name of the Facility to be managed by the core, the authorization domain, host names and IP addresses, and passwords used for SA users and the Oracle database, and so on.

    For a detailed description of the information required during the Installer Interview, see SA Core parameter reference.

  4. SA Core Installation: During this phase, you will run the Installer, complete the installation interview and install one of the following types of Cores:
  5. Post-installation Tasks: See SA Core post-installation tasks.
  6. Core Configuration: You will configure SA, performing tasks such as creating SA users and groups. At the end of this phase, SA is ready for operational use by system administrators. See the SA 10.50 Administration Guide for more information.

The following figure shows the overall process of an SA core installation.

SA Core Installation Process Flow