The SA Client

The SA Client is a Java client for the Server Automation System. If you installed your core on multiple servers, you can access the SA Client from any Core Server hosting a Component Slice bundle.

To access the SA Client for the first time, you must press the Download Server Automation Client button from the SA Web Client homepage. Clicking on this link will download the SA Client on your local machine. Once installed, you can invoke the SA Client from the local machine.

Note: The SA Client is a Java application that installs and runs with its own Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The SA Client will not interfere with any other versions of JRE you may have installed on your system. The JDK will not be used (and is not usable) by any other Java application on the target computer, and it will not set itself as the default JDK on the target computer.

See the SA 10.50 User Guide for more information about the SA Client.