Accessing the remediate window

Access the Remediate window to specify the servers and software policies you want to remediate, define the conditions for remediation, and then run the job. Remediation conditions include reboot and error handling settings, the schedule for running the job (immediately or at scheduled times for each stage), and the email settings to notify users of the job status.

There are several ways to open the Remediate window, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. For example, this section provides instructions for the following methods:

  • To remediate one or multiple servers against multiple attached software policies, access the Remediate window from the server list.
  • To remediate one or multiple servers against a single policy, access the Remediate window from the software policy list.
  • You can also revise the set of servers and policies that you want to remediate from the Remediate window. See Step 1: Select servers and policies for remediation.

To access the Remediate window from the server list:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, access the list of managed servers or device groups:
    • Select Devices > Servers > All Managed Servers to view the server list.
    • Select Devices > Device Groups to view the device group list.
  2. From the content pane, select the server(s) or device group(s) you want to remediate.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Remediate.... The Remediate window displays the selected server(s) and all of its attached software policies.

To access the Remediate window from the software policy list:

  1. From the SA Client navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Software Policies. The Software Policy List appears in the content pane.
  2. From the content pane, select a software policy. (You can only select one software policy in this step.)
  3. From the View drop-down list, select Server Usage. A list of the servers attached to this policy appears in the lower pane.
  4. Select a server or multiple servers, and then select Remediate from the Actions menu. The Remediate window appears displaying the selected server(s) with the attached software policy.