Use > Software management > Remediating and installing software > Installing/uninstalling software without a software policy > Step 3 (Optional): Specifying reboot, error handling, and script options

Step 3 (Optional): Specifying reboot, error handling, and script options

You can specify how the installation/uninstallation process will handle errors and rebooting, and if it will run any pre- or post-install scripts.

To specify these additional options:

  1. From from the All Steps navigation pane, select Options. Additional job options are displayed in the content pane.

  2. In the Rebooting section, select one of the reboot options:
    You can control when to reboot servers during the software installation or uninstallation. For example, you may want to reboot the servers after each installation or you may want to hold all server reboots until all the software is installed to minimize downtime. You can also choose to suppress all server reboots.
    • (Default) Reboot servers as specified by individual software items: This option reboots servers per the reboot requirement specified in the software resource.
    • Reboot servers after each installation or uninstallation: This option reboots servers after installing or uninstalling each software item.
    • Exception: If the native package manager will use several transactions in order to complete the job, a reboot will be performed only after each transaction.

    • Hold all server reboots until all actions are complete: This option suppresses server reboots until all the install/uninstall actions are complete. Then, it reboots the servers per the reboot requirement specified in the software resource.
    • Suppress all reboots: This option suppresses the reboots even if the reboot option is selected in the software resource.

    To view the reboot requirement of a software resource:Find the package in the SA Library: Library > Packages > drill down to the individual software resource > Actions > Open. In the Properties view expand the Install Parameters section to view the Reboot Required setting (yes or no). See About software resource reboot requirement settings

  3. In the Error Handling section, specify if you want to skip error handling when possible to minimize downtime.
    • (Default) Select Attempt to continue running if an error occurs if you want the installation or uninstallation process to continue even when an error occurs with any of the software, patches or scripts.
    • Deselect this option if you want to see and respond to errors before the process continues.
  4. In the Rollback Points section you can choose to create rollback points that enable you to restore your systems to a former working state in the event of a RPM upgrade, install or erase. More information about this functionality can be found in the RPM rollback section of this guide.
  5.  In the Scripts section, specify if you want any scripts to run on a server before or after installation or uninstallation. There are four tabs in this section:
    • Pre-Analyze: (Installation Only) Use this tab to enable a script that runs before software analysis.
    • Post-Analyze: (Installation Only) Use this tab to enable a script that runs after software analysis.
    • Pre-Download: (Installation Only) Use this tab to specify a script that runs before software or patches are downloaded from the software repository to the managed server.
    • Post-Download: (Installation Only) Use this tab to specify a script that runs after software or patches are downloaded, but before the software or patch is installed .
    • Pre-Install/ Pre-Uninstall: Use this tab to specify a script that runs before software or patches are installed or uninstalled.
    • Post-Install/ Post-UnInstall: Use this tab to specify a script that runs after software or patches are installed or uninstalled.

    You can specify different scripts on each of the tabs, which provide the same options:

    1. Select Enable Script to enable the remainder of the fields on the tab. Enable Script must be selected for a script to run.
    2. In the Select drop-down list, select the type of script you want to run.
      • A Saved Script is stored for future use after you upload the script to SA.
        If you choose Saved Script, click Select to specify the script. The Select Script window appears. Select the script to run and click Select.
      • An Ad-Hoc Script must be entered manually and is intended only for a single operation and is not stored in SA.

    3. In the Command field, enter any command-line flags.
    4. In the Script Timeout field, enter the script time-out value in minutes.
    5. In the Retain output of field, enter the amount of output to retain in kilobytes.

    6. In the User section, indicate whether you want to run the script as root or as a specified user:
      • To execute the script as root, select SA Agent Account.
      • To execute the script as a specified user, select Name and enter the user name and password.
        To enter a Windows Domain Name in the pre-download, post-download, pre-install, post-install scripts, use the following format in the Name field: DomainName\UserName.
    7. In the Error field, indicate your error handling preference:
      • Select Stop job if script returns an error if you want the installation to stop if the script returns an error.
      • Deselect this option if you want the script to continue running even when errors occur.
  6. Click Next to proceed to the Preview step.

To skip the remaining setting steps and run the job immediately, see Step 7: Running the installation/uninstallation and view job status