Use > Virtualization management > Managing Oracle Solaris zones > Modifying a non-global zone

Modifying a non-global zone

You can modify a subset of the zone parameters that were defined when you created the non-global zone. For example, if an HTTP server running on a zone is sluggish because of increased usage, you can increase the CPU Share Reservation parameter for the zone. After you modify a zone with the SA Client, the zone is automatically restarted.

To modify the parameters of a non-global zone:

  1. In the SA Client, from the navigation pane, select the Devices tab.
  2. Expand Servers and select Oracle Solaris Zones.
  3. In the content pane, expand the global zone that hosts the zone you want to modify.
  4. Right-click the non-global zone and select Oracle Solaris Zones > Modify Zone.

    The Modify Virtual Zone window appears. In the Zone Definition step of the Modify Virtual window, edit the parameters you want to change, then select Next.

    Link-link addresses are not visible in the IP list for the Modify action. After zone creation, these addresses are managed by SA.

  5. Scheduling: Select when you want the modify zone job to run, then select Next.
  6. Notifications: Enter email addresses to receive notifications when the job finishes. Select the type of notifications you want. Optionally enter a ticket identifier to be associated with the job, then select Next.
  7. Job Status: Select Start Job or Schedule Job. This runs the job or schedules it to be run in the future and displays the Job ID number in the window banner. You can use the Job ID number to look up the job under the Jobs and Sessions tab.

    When the job runs, it modifies and restarts the zone and displays the results.