Use > Virtualization management > Virtualization service tasks > Reloading the virtualization service data

Reloading the virtualization service data

This section explains how to update SA information about the VS. Do this whenever something has changed outside of SA; for example, in the native VMware, Microsoft, or OpenStack tools.

If you modify elements of your virtualization inventory outside of SA, refresh the VS data in SA to ensure SA has complete and up-to-date information. Otherwise, the information in SA about your virtualization inventory may be inaccurate.

Schedule a recurring job that runs during non-peak hours and reloads the VS data in SA. This task synchronizes your data with any changes that occur outside of SA, such as distributed resource scheduler (DRS) migrations from VMware. The frequency you choose depends on how large your virtual inventory is and how much it changes outside of SA. The larger your virtual inventory, the longer the reload operation may take. One common frequency to use is every 24 hours.

To reload the VS data:

  1. In the SA Client, select the Virtualization tab. This displays all your registered VSs.
  2. Select a VS.
  3. Right-click or select the Actions menu and select Reload Data Now or Reload Data Scheduled. This displays the Reload Data window.

    If you selected Reload Data Now, the job begins and displays the status window.

  4. Preview: If you selected Reload Data Scheduled, select Next. Or select Start Job to accept the remaining defaults and run the job.
  5. Scheduling: Enter when you want the VS data to be reloaded, then select Next.

    You can reload VS data immediately, once in the future, or set a recurring schedule.

  6. Notifications: Optionally enter a notifier, then select Next.
  7. Job Status: Select the Start Job or Schedule Job button. This runs the job or schedules it to be run in the future and displays the Job ID number in the window banner. You can use the Job ID number to look up the job under the Jobs and Sessions tab.

    When the job runs, it reloads all the data about the VS.

Reloading virtualization items data

You can reload virtualization service data on demand for all virtualization items (for example, VMs, templates, resource pools, and so on). However, you cannot perform a scheduled reload on any virtualization item other than the VS.