Administer > Diagnostic tests > Running a system diagnosis

Running a system diagnosis

This describes how to run a set of system diagnosis. For details on each individual diagnostic test, see System diagnostic tests.

To run system diagnostic tests, you must have the System Diagnosis action permission. For more information on permissions, see Permissions reference.

Before running the diagnostic tests, it is recommended that you run the Health Check Monitor first. For instructions, see Core Health Check Monitor (HCM), Running HCM Local Tests, and Running HCM Global Tests.

To run system diagnosis tests, perform the following steps:

  1. In the SA Client, select the Administration tab in the navigation pane.
  2. Select the Facilities node in the navigation pane. This displays all your SA facilities.
  3. Select the facility where you want to run the diagnostics test.
  4. Select the Actions menu or right-click and select Run System Diagnosis. This displays the Run Program Extensions window showing the System Diagnostics extension.
  5. Program Properties: Select Next to display the Options window.
  6. Options: Set the following options, then select Next. Or to accept the remaining defaults and run the tests, select Start Job.
    1. Verify or change the facility on which you want to run the diagnostic tests.
    2. Select the tests you want to run. For details on the tests, see System diagnostic tests.
    3. Verify or set the job time out. If the job does not complete in the specified time, it will be aborted.
  7. Scheduling: Select when you want the system diagnostics job to run, then select Next.
  8. Notifications: Enter email addresses to receive notifications when the job finishes. Select the type of notifications you want. Optionally enter a ticket identifier to be associated with the job, then select Next.
  9. Job Status: Select the Start Job or Schedule Job button. This runs the job or schedules the job to be run in the future and displays the Job ID number in the window banner. You can use the Job ID number to look up the job under the Jobs and Sessions tab.

    When the job runs, it runs the diagnostic tests and displays the results.

  10. Select any line in the job status to see the details of each diagnostic test that ran.
  11. Press Ctrl-F to display the search bar.
  12. Select Export All Results to create a file containing the results for further analysis. You can save the results as a zip file, a text file, or a comma-separated value file.

For details on each diagnostic test, see System diagnostic tests.