Creating a new user

To create a new SA user from the SA Client:

  1. In the SA Client, select the Administration tab in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the Users and Groups node in the navigation pane. This displays the Users node.
  3. Select the Users node. This displays all your SA users.
  4. Select the Actions > New menu or select the New User icon. This displays the New User window.
  5. Enter the first name, last name, and full name of the user.
  6. To allow the new user to administer users and user groups, select the check box labeled Super Administrator. For more information, see Super administrators and Super users.
  7. Enter the contact information for the new user. An email address is required.
  8. Enter the log-in information for the new user.
    • The user credentials can be stored in HPE SA or on an RSA SecurID server connected to SA. You can change the user password in the SA Client only if the credential store is HPE SA.
    • The SA user name must be made up of letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, and underscores. SA user names are not case sensitive.
    • The password must be at least six ASCII characters long and may not include the “\” or “^” characters.
  9. Enter the locale, time zone, and date format preferences.
  10. Select the User Groups view to assign the user to one or more user groups. Assigning the user to user groups grants the corresponding permissions to the user. Use the “+” button to add the user to a user group. Use the “-” button to remove the user from the selected user group.
  11. Select File > Revert to discard your changes.
  12. Select File > Save to save the new user.