Before you begin


The following prerequisites must be met before using SA Patch Importer for Oracle Enterprise Linux.

  • Purchase a support license from the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Store to obtain a valid CSI (Customer Support Identifier).See for more details.
  • Register with the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN) to obtain the username/password for single sign-on.
  • At least 100GB of free disk space is required on the system in which this tool will be used.

Depending on the type of support license purchased from Oracle, you may be able to subscribe to any channels that Oracle is currently supporting. However, the SA Patch Importer will only import packages for the platforms that SA supports.


The SA Patch Importer for Oracle Enterprise Linux is intended to run on SA Core platforms only.

Patch importer file locations

Importer file locations



Configuration File


Log File


Package Download Directory (where the downloaded packages will be temporarily stored). Make sure you have at least 100 GB of free disk space on the file system.


