Business application tiers

Business application tiers provide an architectural framework to organize and display application signatures. You can add, edit, delete, cut, copy, and paste tiers in the Tiers tree. You can paste a tier before or after a selected position in the Tiers tree to rearrange the order. The order of tiers (and the signatures they contain) is significant because it affects the order that the process families are assigned to signatures. (For more information, see Signature evaluation order.)

If any tiers have application signatures that do not recognize any process families, they and their ancestors are represented with warning icons in the tree and by red title bars in the view. This allows you to quickly identify signatures that should be running but are not.

Creating a tier

To create an tier in the Tiers tree:

  1. In the Tiers tree or map, select either the top-level business application node or a tier, right-click, and select New Tier.
  2. The Properties pane for the tier becomes active and you can edit the tier’s properties, such as, give the tier a name.

Deleting a tier

To delete an tier from the Tiers tree:

  1. In the Tiers tree or map, select a tier.
  2. From the Edit menu, select Delete or right-click and then select Delete (or, click the delete toolbar button ).