Upgrade > Upgrade prerequisites > DNS considerations

DNS Considerations

During the upgrade, most cname pointers are added to the hosts file automatically on all component hosts. These entries point to the server hosting the Infrastructure Component bundle (which includes the Management Gateway which has static port forwards for these services). During installation. you will be prompted to provide the value for db.host, which is the hostname of the Oracle database server host.

On the Slice Component bundle host, all the required entries are automatically added to the hosts file when the Slice Component bundle is installed.

On Linux hosts, entries are added to the /etc/hosts file.

To use WinPE-based Windows OS Provisioning on an upgraded core, ensure that the authoritative keyword in the /etc/opt/opsware/dhcpd/dhcpd_custom.conf file on the boot server is uncommented. If you modify the dhcpd_custom.conf file, you must restart the DHCP server:

/etc/init.d/opsware-sas restart dhcpd